What Is An Ovarian Cyst? – Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop in the ovaries, the female reproductive organs that produce ovules. Women can develop functional ovarian cysts as a normal part of their menstrual cycle while the ovaries prepare eggs to be released into the fallopian tubes.
Although most of these cysts are completely benign, some cysts can be malignant, that is, they could become a health hazard.
Ovarian Cyst Symptoms
This disease does not produce too many symptoms, those women who have this type of tumors in the ovaries usually have:
• Pain in the pelvic area.
• Abdominal swelling
• Pain when defecating
Most cysts are functional and small and do not produce symptoms. Some cysts can cause a dull or sharp pain in the abdomen and during certain activities, such as urination, defecation or sex. Larger cysts can cause a twist or twist in the ovary and produce pain. Cysts that bleed or rupture (burst) can cause serious problems that require immediate treatment.
Rarely, cysts can cause enlargement of the abdomen, weight gain, menstrual disorders, nausea, vomiting or female infertility.
Ovarian Cyst Causes
Each month, during the menstrual cycle, a follicle grows inside the ovary where the egg develops. Most months, an egg is released from this follicle during ovulation. But if the follicle fails to open and release the ovum, the fluid remains inside the follicle and forms a cyst, which is called follicular cyst.
Sometimes this follicle or follicular cyst continues to grow. When this happens, it is known as a functional cyst and it is a normal process within the menstrual cycle.
There are two types of functional cysts:
Follicular cyst: originates when the follicle does not break and grows, becoming a cyst filled with clear fluid. Follicular cysts do not usually produce pain and disappear spontaneously in two or three menstrual cycles.
Cyst of the luteal body: sometimes the opening through which the ovum has left closes and liquid accumulates inside the follicle. In general, it disappears spontaneously in a few weeks, but sometimes it can grow to more than four centimeters in diameter.
Functional Ovarian Cyst Treatment
Here we present the best home remedies for an ovarian cyst that we have collected.
• Evening Primrose Oil for Ovarian Cysts.
• Infusion of dandelion for ovarian cysts.
Our remedies for ovarian cyst are intended to help you stay informed, but they should never replace a medical consultation. Before doing any treatment, you should consult your doctor.
Feeding/Diet of Functional Ovarian Cyst
It is always good to have a healthy and healthy diet, but in this case, you should increase the intake of fruits and vegetables that will provide you with a large number of vitamins and minerals such as zinc, necessary to prevent the appearance of ovarian cysts.
Eating red meat in excess, and seafood is not the most recommended in these cases, so it is best to reduce their consumption, as these foods only aggravate and worsen the ovarian cysts and will bring more pain.
By getting the right amount of nutrients and vitamins, you are on your way to building a strong immune system to fight against that cyst.