Whenever escorts are in the news, it tends to illuminate some of the horror stories people experience with escorts. Recently, headlines have focused on some escorts using agency sites to rob or harm clients, which should be made known, but doesn’t reflect the reality of most people’s escort experiences.
There is little in the news that helps people protect themselves from such threats. Online agencies such as Dior London Escorts contain information and guidelines to prove their escort agency is safe, which is worth knowing, so people can distinguish the good agencies from the dangerous ones.
Inspired by this, we have compiled a guide detailing four ways to check if an online escort agency is safe.
Check for Reviews
Like with any purchase online, it is always best to check reviews before ordering something. And it is no different for escort agencies! Whether they are on the agency’s actual site or trusted escort review sites such as UK Punting or Escort Rankings, you can find honest and authentic reviews of a chosen escort.
Contact the Agency Before Booking
If you contact the agency you are considering booking from, you can gauge whether they are trustworthy. For one, talking to a friendly human who aims to be helpful can build trust.
Additionally, they can answer any questions you have and give you the information you seek. Thus, getting in contact with somebody can help ease your fears that an agency is untrustworthy.
Transparency on their Website
If their website has thorough information about their escorts, services, bookings and safety, then there is a clear commitment to providing you with a legitimate service. Usually, on an agency’s homepage, FAQ or recruitment page, there will be information about their girls, whether that is about their images or how they go about selecting these women.
One of the most important ways to determine if an online agency is trustworthy is if they check their escorts for criminal records beforehand. If their models are screened before they are put on there, you can assume they are safe to hire.
Furthermore, many escort agencies will have videos and selfies on their girls’ profiles to accurately represent the escort you are booking. This shows the actual person you are meeting, so you have more information at hand to determine whether you want to progress with this booking.
Look at Their Privacy Policy
An agency with a privacy policy is usually more trustworthy for clients. If they have a clear policy about protecting your personal information, it stops any potentially dangerous third parties from getting a hold of your data. That way, you can trust that your booking is discreet and protects your privacy.
An agency needs to have terms and conditions or create a privacy policy. Without doing so, this could signal to potential clients that they are untrustworthy. Let’s face it no one wants their booking information to be shared with anyone else! Therefore finding an agency that prides itself on discretion is paramount to feeling safe when you book an escort.
Whilst it is understandable to be concerned by stories of robberies and attacks from escorts, it is also important to consider that sites like Dior are committed to ensuring client safety.
The most important advice is to do your research and really consider who you are booking with before you do so.