Menopause Diet – Food To Eat and Avoid During Menopause

Menopause is a condition that all women have to go through at one point or another, and as much as you know that is coming, nothing really prepared us for what we are going to experience.

There are many things you can do to help ease the experiences that come with menopause, there are pills, therapy, and home remedies among others.

But, incredibly enough, adding the right kind of foods to your regular diet as your body reaches the age of menopause can be very helpful in reducing and preventing the symptoms of menopause. So, as you can imagine, the sooner you add these foods to your current diet the better it will be to handle that terrible condition that affects us.

Menopausal symptoms like hot flashes or dry skin are just bothersome and at times can be easily put up with and alleviate them with some home remedies that offer quick relief. But other symptoms can develop into long-term health issues for women even after menopause is over, such as bone loss and high levels of bad cholesterol.

Following a strict menopause diet can help you at reducing and preventing some of the worst and long-term symptoms of menopause, as well as protecting you from illnesses like osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

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There are some foods referred to as “foundation foods” that make a wonderful job at keeping a women’s health at peak condition and help fight off menopause symptoms such as dry skin, weight gain, bone loss, bloating, and hot flashes.

So, make sure that you start eating a proper menopause diet as soon as you can, so by the time menopause comes along and the years beyond it would pass by nice and easy and with little to none complications.

Starting with the basics is the water, due to the decreasing levels of estrogen we experience during menopause we lose Water, causing vaginal dryness and dry skin. Getting a minimum of eight glasses of water a day can do the trick and fight off all dryness. Water is also helpful against bloating.

Another important mineral we lose during menopause is Calcium, again because of the decrease in estrogen levels, bone loss is accelerated. So, you need to make sure to take Estrogen supplements as well as eating calcium-rich foods like milk, yogurt, and of course calcium replacements. Make sure your intake of calcium is above 1000 milligrams per day.

Yet another vital nutrient we need during our menopausal time, is vitamin D, and while you can get most of it from a nice sunbath, you may still want to contact your doctor first.

As we get older, our metabolism slows down and as we reach our forties we tend to become more sedentary leading to one of the worst menopause symptom, weight gain. But, increasing your intake of vegetable and fruits will help minimize the damage of this symptom.

Other foods are Whole Grains, Iron-Rich foods, Soy, flaxseeds, and any other low-calorie foods.