8 Coping Tips For Car Accident Victims

Being involved in a car accident can be overwhelmingly stressful for anyone, whether children or adults. Often, an accident causes long-term disabilities among the victims. Not only does it cause physical injuries, but it can also cause traumatic stress. The time it takes for the physical and mental injuries to heal varies depending on the …

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How to Recognize Early Signs of Hearing Loss

The symptoms of early hearing loss are often so subtle that people do not recognize their hearing is slowly deteriorating. In many cases, other people are usually the first to bring it to their attention. Friends, family members, or co-workers may speak up after they notice the person with early hearing loss asking people to …

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Thai Massage: Everything You Need to Know About

Thai massage dates back to more than 3000 years back. Originally originated in India, it evolved as one of the most popular healing arts over the period. The massage technique takes in the influences from both Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is different from other traditional types of massage as the masseurs don’t …

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