The Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Pema Khandu recently conducted a meeting with the officials of SECI and REC for discussing the ongoing DDUJY (Deen Dayal Upadya Gram Hyothi Yojna) Scheme getting implemented in the state.
The Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Pema Khandu recently conducted a meeting with the officials of SECI and REC for discussing the ongoing DDUJY (Deen Dayal Upadya Gram Hyothi Yojna) Scheme getting implemented in the state.
PTC India Ltd., formerly known as Power Trading Corporation of India, is one of India’s largest power trading companies. The company will be acting as India’s trading partner for purchase and sale of power from wind energy projects selected via government’s first ever trading auction of wind energy projects of about 1,000MW capacity. PTC is going to be …
The SLSWCA (State Level Single Window Clearance Committee) at Odisha recently cleared as much as 11-investment projects that are worth INR 2K crore in the diverse sectors. These are now expected to be creating employment for approximately 8000 plus people. The committee that is headed by the chief secretary Mr. A P Padhi even went …
Orient Green Power Company (OGPC) is looking forward for a shareholders’ meeting so as to convince the shareholders to vote for the issue regarding the conversion of INR 50 crore debt of Yes Bank Ltd. into equity shares.
Under the Welfare Activities Civic Action Programme, around 18 battalion of the BSF went on to distribute close to 88 plus solar plates and solar lanterns plus other handy items to the people in Shahgarh Bulj area of the India-Pakistan border at Jaisalmer. This programme was actually inaugurated by the BSF sector south DIG Mr. Naresh Kumar, the commandant N K Neggi and the 2nd in command S N Goswami in the presence of other senior officers.