There is so much exchange between human and veterinary medicine. Lots of pharmaceuticals which are commonly prescribed for people making the transition into the animal kingdom so can CBD oil benefit your pet and if so, which conditions might it help to alleviate?
CBD Oil is used by humans for relief from medical conditions such as arthritis and to manage anxiety and fear as an example of a mental health problem. Animals suffer from both of these so why shouldn’t oil support them as much as it can help their owners?

The benefits of CBD oil in humans have a lot of anecdotal support but little clinical research to support it: the same applies to animals. However, there is some data compiled such as a study in 2017 by a group of scientists at Cornell Univesity in New York which monitored dogs suffering from osteoarthritis. These animals received oil twice a day to relieve their symptoms. The dogs improved, but there are concerns that the study was not able to address such as the potential safety issues of long-term use and the interaction of CBD oil with other medicines.

CBD Oil could help your pet with the following conditions
- Osteoarthritis – offering symptomatic relief from inflammation, pain and stiffness
- Anxiety – oil products can help relax and calm frightened and traumatized animals. It can assist with ongoing behavioral issues such as separation anxiety or specific occurrences such as the impact of fireworks or the aftermath of an accident or injury
- Seizures – Oil has been used with some success to treat dogs and cats suffering from seizures and there is ongoing research into the use it might have in epileptic dogs who have proven treatment-resistant to other medications
- Nausea and decreased appetite – oil can reduce sickness in dogs and cats and also improve appetite
Take a look at a review of the different types of oil products available.
You should discuss using oil with your vet as there is always a potential for reactions with other medications. Additionally, it can be hard to assess dosage yourself. Your vet can help you ensure you are using CBD oil safely.
Bivvy is available for pet owners that want to rest assured their pet is covered through a routine or emergency visit. If you are taking a step toward CBD to support your pet’s health, pet insurance is another fantastic way to help your pet.

As with the use of oil in humans, there can be side effects so the same will follow in animals. These can include:-
- Reduced blood pressure
- Apparent drowsiness particularly in animals being treated for fear or anxiety
- Dry mouth which can manifest in the production of less saliva and possibly an increased desire to drink
Follow the same guidelines for buying CBD oil for your pet as if you were buying it for yourself. Aim for products with organic production, avoid isolate products, and always pick full-spectrum oil. Oil in drop form is the best option for pets as it is possible to both control and monitor dosage, and this is pretty straightforward to administer. There are of course lots of tasty treats and tidbits already available on the market which contains CBD oil too.
For more information on types of oils available, see here: