When you hear the term supplements for the kidneys, we ask ourselves what is the use of these supplements. Supplements for the kidneys are used since 2002 in the treatment of chronic kidney disease. Every day in the United States, 2000 cases of some type of kidney disease are diagnosed. And in the last year it is estimated that 26 million people in the United States suffer from some type of kidney disease.
Chronic kidney disease is a condition of the kidneys in which they have an inability to function properly. It manifests with elevated levels of creatinine, urea and uric acid. In addition to this is presented with a decrease in filtration capacity, this is evidenced in urine tests when observed particles such as glucose and protein in abundance, which is responsible for filtering the kidney.
Currently treatments for chronic kidney disease are very expensive in the United States, which is why many pharmaceutical companies have created supplements for the kidneys, to help in the treatment of chronic kidney disease.
Some of these supplements for the kidneys are:
Pyridoxamine o Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate: This renal supplement is responsible for antagonizing the receptors responsible for producing AGE. AGEs are the final products of advanced glycation, which are detected in advanced stages of chronic kidney disease. This drug was developed at the University of South Carolina; its main function is to block these receptors to avoid producing AGEs. Mainly this medicine is used in patients suffering from diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Its main function is to decrease the AGEs that help to reduce the lipid profile. This in turn decreases creatinine levels in the urine. It is administered in a 50 mg daily capsule
Coenzyme 10: This drug is a kidney protector. It is used mainly as a complementary drug to the main treatment for chronic kidney disease. Coenzyme 10 helps in the treatment of chronic kidney disease and hypertension, since it decreases LDL values and helps the process of kidney filtration by decreasing some metabolites present in the blood. At the same time this medicine confers a protection to the kidney against some nephrotoxic drugs such as the antibiotic called gentamicin.
Supplements with vitamin C: This drug is administered as a complementary therapy in the treatment of chronic kidney disease, because they reduce the formation of uric acid crystals in the kidneys. They are used in patients who are at risk of kidney stones and who have chronic kidney disease, vitamin C prevents the formation of kidney stones uric acid.
Supplements with Vitamin B that contain Vitamin B6: These supplements are used in coadjutant therapy with other drugs. Vitamin B6 prevents the formation of kidney stones. As previously mentioned, it is administered in order to reduce the risk of kidney stones.
Supplements containing magnesium: These supplements can be purchased at health food stores. Magnesium-containing supplements decrease the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones, which are the most common kidney stones.
Supplements containing calcium citrate: These supplements fulfill the function of alkalinizing the urine to prevent the formation of kidney stones. A daily capsule is administered, which alkalizes the urine and prevents the crystallization of certain kidney stones such as those of calcium oxalate and uric acid kidney stones.
Nutracraft Kidney Kind Supplement: This renal supplement helps the treatment of chronic kidney disease. It is administered by taking one or two capsules daily. This kidney supplement helps the kidney to properly filter electrolytes, glucose and proteins, that is to say, it helps to improve the renal function of chronic kidney disease.
Pureco Cranberry Kidney Supplement: This renal supplement contains vitamins in its composition, such as vitamin B6, which helps in the reduction of the formation of advanced glycation products. It also prevents the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones, uric acid kidney stones, among other kidney stones. It is administered through a daily capsule of 250 mg; this product contains the benefits of berries which are high in vitamin B6. This product helps the filtration and depuration of metabolites circulating in the kidney, improving renal function.
AZO Cranberry Urinary Tract Health Dietary Supplement: This kidney supplement helps the kidneys cleansing and filtering, it is administered by taking a 250 mg daily capsule. The main function of this supplement. In the same way this kidney supplement contains vitamin B6 which prevents the formation of renal calculi of calcium and uric acid. Also its components protect the kidney from toxic metabolites such as gentamicin and other nephrotoxic drugs.
Supplements containing vitamin A, E and K: These kidney supplements protect the kidney from kidney stones. They are sold in health food stores and a daily capsule is taken to prevent the formation of kidney stones in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease.
Supplements containing phosphate sales: These kidney supplements prevent the formation of kidney stones, thus protecting the kidney suffering from chronic kidney disease from the harmful effects of kidney stones.
Supplements containing IP-6: These kidney supplements contain IP-6, which is inositol hexophosphate. This supplement is used to prevent anemia in patients with neoplasm pathologies. However, it has been proven that it prevents the formation of kidney stones. It can be taken in capsule form or in powders that can be added to meals.
Currently there are many supplements that can help protect the kidney suffering from kidney disease. In addition to many of these supplements help prevent the formation of kidney stones. In the same way, the National Renal Society of the United States recommends that all patients avoid herbal supplements because they can create toxic metabolites for the kidney and will not be able to filter them due to their filtration capacity and depuration is decreased it.
Also these supplements can be used in patients who are on dialysis and who have undergone a kidney transplant to help protect the kidney. They can be used by patients suffering from acute kidney disease and recurrent kidney stones