How to Care for Leather Backpacks

Leather backpacks deserve all possible respect. Not only because they’re made to look pleasing to the eye and are indicators of our unmistakable sense of fashion, but also because they always bear so much. Piles of papers, notebooks, wallets, books, a ton of makeup, a bottle of water… And from outside, there’s a bunch of …

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Mobility as a Service Platform

The transportation industry has evolved a lot, especially in recent years, thanks to technological advancements. The changing transport needs that consumers have also played a remarkable role in the constant changes that have been (are being) experienced in the transport sector worldwide. Today’s public transport systems are more multifaceted like never before. Compared with the …

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5 Reasons Hoverboards Aren’t Difficult to Ride

For a long time now, kids, but also adults around you have been riding colorful, modern hoverboards of the latest models and from newest collections, and slowly but surely you get the feeling that maybe you wouldn’t be doing so badly either. However, the memories of your previous clumsy endeavors and scarce talent for sports, …

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