Effective and Safe Home Remedies for Natural Fairness

            While a lot of people consider that being comfortable with your skin color is important, a lot other people think that having fair skin color is also very important. In case you are one of the latter, we have gather, in this article, a lot of simple ways in which you can obtain natural fair skin color using simple methods with natural products that can be easily found at home instead of exposing your skin to harmful chemical products. These most effective


            Lemon is considered to be the simplest and fastest way to get a natural fair skin color on your skin. Just scrub half a lemon on your face regularly for lightening your skin color.


            Squeeze the juice out of a potato and apply it on your face to lighten your skin color. Do this as often as you can. The more you do it, the better the results.

You can also use the pulp of a smashed potato and apply it on the affected area of your skin. In addition to lightening your skin, the potato will provide you with natural pinkish glow on you the skin.

You can add honey or lemon juice. Honey helps moisturize the skin while the lemon juice benefits the oily skin.


            Mix cinnamon with honey on the area of your skin that you want to lighten. Wash it with plenty of water after 20 or thirty minutes. Apply this method as often as you want for more effective results.


            Mixing cucumber with lemon juice helps not only to moisturize your skin but it will also help you to remove the extra oil on your skin.


            Being rich in lactic and zinc acid, makes Curd a great natural bleaching agent. Just mix it with honey and apply on your face constantly for great lightening results.

Coconut Water

            Fresh coconut water works greatly for ares of the skin with scars or areas that have darkened due to health problems.

Saffron and Olive Oil

            Create a paste by mixing saffron and olive oil and apply it on your face, neck and other affected areas for have lightening results.

There are just few Home Remedies for Natural Fairness that use ingredients that can be easily found at home. They will not only lighten your skin but also provide benefits for having healthy skin, in addition to reducing the need of using harmful chemical bleach.